Get MORE from your plants

MORE™ is a biostimulant that contains a proprietary blend of literally hundreds of species of microorganisms and naturally occurring enzymes. MORE™ IS the microbial life for the rhizosphere. It enhances the entire rhizosphere by nutrient cycling, facilitates exudate exchanges and by breaking down complex solids. This abundance of microbial life provides multiple benefits to plants and the grow medium, giving your crops the cutting edge.
MORE™ biostimulant is a safe, naturally harvested additive enhancer for your farm. MORE™ Biostimulant can be applied to seeds, plants, the rhizosphere, soil or other growth media.



MORE™ is compatible with all growing media and all base nutrients. MORE™ is effective in any growing media including soil, rock wool, coco coir, hydroponics and aeroponics. MORE™ can be used for foliar feeding or bioremediation of the soil. MORE™ can be used from seeding all the way up to flushing. MORE™ has a near neutral pH formulation and runs clean in any system. MORE™ can not be used in conjunction with any hypochlorous acid, or hydrogen peroxide products. 

MORE Solution.

Bring the power of MORE to your home grow.

  • Makes 32 gallons of active solution (dosed at 4oz per gallon)

  • Makes 160 gallons of active solution (dosed at 4oz per gallon)

  • Cloning

    Accelerated rooting / Drastically increases root surface area / Outstanding cloning success rate / Increased root cortex.

  • Veg

    Substancial increase in plant vascularity / Stimulates and accelerates plant growth / Strengthens and enlarges plant stalk and branches / Reduces veg duration cutting days off your cycle.

  • Flower

    Significant improvement in terpenes and THC / Substantial increase in bud size and density / Outstanding visual appeal to flower / Increased trichome production

How does MORE work?

Unlike many other beneficial microbe products on the market, MORE™ is harvested naturally, not in a laboratory. This approach along with our proprietary propagation method enables our colonies to grow and thrive in balance to one another before being introduced into the root zone. This natural approach allows a much more diverse range of microbial populations to thrive and work together in the rhizosphere and do their unique job when called upon. 
Once introduced into the root zone, MORE™ will cycle phosphorus and other nutrients, microchelate complex compounds and enhance nutrient bioavailability all while breaking down suspended solids which helps to keep your grow environment clean and healthy. MORE™ microbes also outcompete potentially harmful pathogenic microbes, protecting your plant’s rhizosphere.


Bring the power of MORE™ microbe production onsite at your facility with our range of biocatalyzer units. A true turnkey onsite solution to produce MORE™ right where it is needed which avoids costly logistics and shipping delays.

Our Guarantee

MORE Biostimulant can deliver healthier crops and bigger yields when used in accordance with our directions. We guarantee that our product contains no traces of heavy metals or pathogenic organisms. MORE is 100% safe and natural.


Proudly harvested and processed in the United States

The ingredients in MORE have been harvested from some of the most biodiverse regions of the United States. No foreign materials or products are used in the production of MORE.